Pioneering AI Solutions for Accurate ESG Data Extraction

ESG data
As a service

Our state-of-the-art AI software sources, extracts, and enhances ESG data from corporations around the world. We provide unbiased and accurate sustainability data, and clear assessments, empowering impactful action.

ESG data on Demand
Unlock the ESG insights you need, anytime, anywhere. Our software delivers comprehensive ESG data on any company, globally.

ESG Database
Get access to our ever growing database of 16,000+ companies in 100+ countries.

ESG Data Integration
Enhance your systems effortlessly. Integrate our ESG data and amplify value for you and your end-users, and drive better decisions and outcomes.

Let’s join forces as financial and non-financial data merge.

We do

We collect publicly available ESG data from disclosing companies. We enhance this data with other valuable data points and create unbiased assessments. We license data and assessments and deliver through our APIs.

We do it

Customers, employees, investors, governments and society embrace conscious behaviours. Our mission is to empower planetary stakeholders by translating companies’ sustainability data into impactful actions.



Absolutely, we want to fix all global problems, but success requires focus. We believe the most urgent issue is interconnected with others. If we can’t solve this one (created by us), solving the rest, like the 17 UN sustainability goals, becomes challenging. Let’s tackle the main problem first and then address the others.

Our foundation was very much established to tackle the significant issue of poor GHG data quality. Leveraging cutting-edge AI, ML, NLP, and LLM technologies, along with industry collaborations, we guarantee high-quality, accurate data, subjected to stringent automated and manual quality controls. For every datapoint we deliver source for full data transparency and source verification.

We collect only publicly disclosed data from companies. The data is not subject to any assumptions or estimations. We disclose the source of the data and share the algorithms and methodology publicly on our webpage.

Get shit done.
